HSE course – training for employers, managers, safety representatives and AMU representatives.
HSE training for managers and employers
According to the Arbeidsmiljøloven, the employer is responsible for ensuring that the working environment in the company is fully responsible. §3-5 in Arbeidsmiljøloven states that an employer who must undergo training in health, environmental and safety work. The duty is personal and cannot be delegated. The employer must also ensure that employees who are tasked with leading or controlling other employees have the necessary competence to monitor that the work is carried out in a health and safety-responsible manner. Legevakt Vest Bedriftshelsetjeneste recommends that managers attend our 40-hour HSE course.
Safety representative and AMU representatives
The employer must ensure that safety representatives and AMU representatives receive the necessary training to carry out their duties in a responsible manner. The minimum requirement is 40 hours of training according to regulations on organisation, management and participation § 3-19. In some cases, the employer and employees can agree on a shorter training period than 40 hours. Such an agreement must be based on the fact that the risk conditions in the business, where both nature and extent have been assessed, say that shorter training is justified. Such a soundness assessment should be in writing. There may also be a question of more extended training where the risk conditions dictate it. Here, as a company health service, we will be able to give advice and recommendations.
Documentation of completed training
After completion of training, course participants will receive documentation of completed training. This must be included in the company's internal control system, and may be required to be presented to the Norwegian Labor Inspection Authority (Arbeidstilsynet). There will be digital teaching and tasks related to the systematic HSE work between the 2nd and 3rd course day. The tasks are industry-specific and can be implemented in the actual HSE work in the business.
16. + 17. + 20. september 2024
3. + 4. + 5. february 2025
Kl. 08.30-15.30
- Conducted digitally (teams)
In addition to the course days, the participant must complete an online course via Firmahelse + a work assignment with a risk assessment, where feedback/guidance will be provided.
Registration deadline: 1 week before the course starts.
Godkjent bedrifthelsetjeneste (BHT)
Vi bistår virksomheter i arbeidet med å skape sunne og trygge arbeidsforhold. Bedriftshelsetjenesten er en fagkyndig og rådgivende tjeneste innen forebyggende og systematisk HMS-arbeid, og skal ha en fri og uavhengig stilling i arbeidsmiljøspørsmål.I tillegg til å tilfredsstille Arbeidstilsynets krav til kompetanse og kvalitet, tilbyr vi også andre tjenester gjennom Legevakt Vest og våre samarbeidspartnere.
Hvorfor samarbeide med vår bedriftshelsetjeneste?
Noen bransjer er pålagt gjennom egen forskrift å knytte seg til godkjent bedriftshelsetjeneste (se om din virksomhet har plikt her). Andre har plikt som følge av økt risiko for sykdom, skade og psykisk belastning i arbeidet. En del virksomheter velger å knytte seg til en bedriftshelsetjeneste fordi de ser at det lønner seg. Et godt HMS-arbeid kan føre til lavere sykefravær, mer fornøyde ansatte, lavere turnover og økt produktivitet.
Alle virksomheter som er tilknyttet Legevakt Vest Bedriftshelsetjeneste får unike fordeler gjennom oss. Alle ansatte i virksomheten, inkludert partner og hjemmeboende barn, vil få medlemspriser på tjenestene hos Legevakt Vest. I tillegg tilbyr Ullern Trening rabatterte priser på trening.
Legevakt vest BHT har godt samarbeid med følgende aktører: